Trend costumes: I come as a sexy little fruit! – Company

Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras – this weekend in some regions it is again compulsory to wear masks. But what do you wear to it? Two last minute suggestions.

For her: glitter like before

At the very last minute, here’s the trend of the session: Jecke sequins! They coincide with a current survey by the fashion industry newspaper business of fashion, after which people suddenly no longer want jogging pants at all, but only fine go-to items: high heels, cocktail dresses, glittering rhinestones. In other words: the mood is euphoric about the end of time. For the coffee shop hipsters in the gender-neutral hats and minimalist sneakers, this trend reversal may come as a shock. Because the Aufprezelei is totally old-fashioned, just as old-fashioned as the moon-faced despot figures who are bullying the world right now, right? Every era gets the trend it deserves. That’s exactly why the question “What are you going as?” be answered in this session with a title that was just as yesterday: as a cheeky little fruit! This model, called “Sexy Strawberry” (seen on would be a good choice for the woman who feels robbed of her personality in the new carnival anti-harassment looks, such as rag clown costumes, piggy overalls, or frog paint on her face. That can’t happen to her in the “Sexy Strawberry” model: the greasy jokes (keyword picking) will rain down on her like camels, she will feel more alive than ever! In terms of style, the costume is of course questionable. But carnival isn’t about looking good, it’s about laughing horror in the face. Valid this time beyond Ash Wednesday.

(Photo: deiters/

For him: Beer formed this body

When it comes to evaluating fashion, a lot revolves around the concept of appropriateness and the right context. If you come to the sadomasochistic party in a flower dress, you may look good, but you are still wearing the wrong thing. Carnival and Mardi Gras events are neuralgic dates in this sense. Anyone who accepts it should follow the customs of the scene, that’s clear. Refusing to wear a costume and frills on site or pulling out of an affair with a colorful scarf is nonsense and in the Rhineland is even subject to a fine or slaps in the face. But there are still finer questions to be clarified, for example what is the right amount of effort for a costume (too much looks suspicious) and what effect you want to achieve. The trend has long been that you want to dress up, but above all you want to look good. And uses a bit too hasty sexist or macho effects for which one is otherwise too enlightened. For women, these are all variants of “sexy” costumes, for men everything that goes in the direction of bodyguard, military and Marvel hero. You don’t make fun of yourself, but interpret the carnival as an open Tinder meeting where you want to be attractive above all. Mood is only when everyone doesn’t care. That’s why this costume, this beer apron, is very good and just right for the profane street carnival – because it’s so stupid and unambitious that the viewer has to laugh spontaneously. And that’s what it was all about, wasn’t it?

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