Treasury and Health Secretary: Two resignations in protest at Johnson

Status: 05.07.2022 7:35 p.m

Two UK ministers have resigned: Finance Secretary Sunak and Health Secretary Javid resigned after a series of scandals in protest at Prime Minister Johnson.

Two key ministers in his government have resigned in protest at British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s administration: Finance Minister Rishi Sunak and Health Minister Sajid Javid handed in their resignations after a series of scandals within the government and the Conservative Tory Party.

In his letter of resignation, Javid stated that he had lost confidence in the Prime Minister. Under Johnson’s leadership, the Conservative Party is not seen by the public as value-led, nor does it serve the national interest.

Sunak stressed that he had always been loyal to Johnson. “But the public rightly expects the government to act properly, competently and seriously.”

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