Travis Scott asks families of victims to contact him

Travis Scott is still in shock after the Astroworld tragedy. A massive crowd movement during his concert at the festival resulted in the deaths of nine people, mostly young people, and the rapper is still unsure how to handle the situation. While he has already promised to pay the funeral costs of the victims, he would also like to address their families, but has not yet found the right solution.

“Over the past week, Travis Scott and his team have actively explored avenues of connection with each family affected by the tragedy through the appropriate liaisons. He is upset by the situation and desperately wants to offer his condolences and help them as soon as possible, but he wants to remain respectful of the wishes of each family as to how they wish to be contacted, ”an official said. rapper in a press release.

Police at work

As the investigation into the circumstances of the accident continues, several statements, first from law enforcement and then from Houston firefighters, suggest that Travis Scott and his team could have avoided the accident with a little more caution. Houston Police Chief Troy Finner has recalled earlier this week that he had met the rapper before the festival to share his safety concerns with him. Obviously ignored warnings.

Asked by Today, Samuel Pena, head of the fire department of the city of Texas, had for his part said that the production of the event should have stopped the rapper’s concert much earlier to avoid any overflow. In Rolling Stone, a lawyer, who represents between 10 and 15 plaintiffs, spectators or families of victims, said he expects to have several hundred or even thousands of clients in the days to come.

About 50,000 people attended Astroworld, according to a estimate authorities, while the NRG Park in Houston can accommodate 20,000 spectators.

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