Transport ministers discuss the future of the Germany ticket

As of: September 28, 2023 11:44 a.m

The federal and state governments are discussing further financing of the Deutschlandticket – but without the Federal Transport Minister. Wissing said he sees no need for action on this issue until 2025. NRW Minister Krischer warned that the offer would end.

Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing has rejected new talks with the states about additional federal money for the Deutschlandticket. The question of financing until 2025 was clarified at a Prime Minister’s Conference, emphasized the FDP politician. It was also agreed that the further financing and structure of the Deutschlandticket would be discussed in 2025. He does not argue with the countries, but sticks to these agreements. The state transport ministers should do the same.

In the afternoon, the transport ministers will discuss tickets for buses and trains with the federal government in a special conference. NRW Minister Oliver Krischer, who is chairman of the Conference of Transport Ministers, had warned that the offer would be canceled. If a solution is not found very quickly, then the successful ticket model will “quickly become history again,” the Green politician said.

Coverage of the additional costs for 2024 is still unclear

According to a basic agreement, the federal and state governments will share the costs with 1.5 billion euros each per year until 2025. However, the possible additional costs of the ticket are controversial. In the first year, the additional costs should be shared in half – but this “obligation to make additional contributions” will be open from 2024.

Krischer said the states were prepared to pay half of the additional costs. However, there has been no clear signal from the federal government so far. The Association of German Transport Companies expects additional costs for the Deutschlandticket to amount to 1.1 billion euros in 2024.

Wissing said on the TV channel ntv that the federal states should rather make necessary structural changes instead of having financial discussions. More than 60 transport associations in Germany are far too many; the states have a lot to do here. He himself could not take part in today’s meeting with the states, but his ministry would be represented.

In addition, competing products for the Deutschlandticket should be abolished, demanded Wissing. Overall, the ticket was “extraordinarily successful”. It has been shown that “you can get significantly more passengers this way.”

“Germany ticket threatens to fail”

The VCD traffic club and the Campact campaign movement called on the transport ministers to find a solution to “continue the ticket at the same price” as well as improvements for people with little money. Wissing must promise the money for 2024 by the next regular transport ministers’ conference on October 11th at the latest. “Otherwise the Germany ticket, with which eleven million people are mobile every day, risks becoming even more expensive or even failing completely.”

The Deutschlandticket has “developed into an important component of public transport and now needs to be stabilized,” explains the deputy chairwoman of the service union ver.di, Christine Behle. “We cannot afford to repeat every year the egg dance that took place when it was introduced about financing.”

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