Transport company: Taxi industry expects wave of bankruptcies due to high fuel prices

transport company
Taxi industry expects wave of bankruptcies due to high fuel prices

Threatening wave of bankruptcies: More and more taxi companies have to file for bankruptcy. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

More and more taxi companies in Germany are being forced to give up. But it’s not just the high fuel prices that are to blame.

The taxi industry in Germany is expecting a wave of bankruptcies because of the high fuel prices.

“Every week we lose an average of 30 to 50 companies that have to file for bankruptcy,” said Michael Oppermann, managing director of the Federal Association of Taxi and Rental Cars in Berlin. He called on the federal government to provide relief.

According to the association, there are currently 18,000 taxi companies in Germany, and the number has already fallen significantly since the beginning of the corona pandemic.

“Around 80 cents more per liter of fuel means a total of more than 20 million euros in additional costs for the industry for around 50,000 vehicles throughout Germany,” says Oppermann. With the rigid tariffs, the industry is left with these costs. It is foreseeable that numerous other companies would have to give up. In Ireland, transport companies are supported with a flat rate of 120 euros per week and vehicle, this solution must also be possible in Germany.


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