Transport: Christmas: Bahn wants to offer tens of thousands more seats

Christmas: Bahn wants to offer tens of thousands more seats

The railway plans to use so-called amplifier trains for the days of Christmas traffic. Photo: Uwe Zucchi / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

With the expansion of rail traffic around the holidays, over 60,000 more seats per day will be offered in December 2021 than in December 2019.

Around the holidays, many more trains should run in Germany than before. Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer announced a significant expansion of rail traffic.

“In Christmas long-distance traffic in 2021, the train offers 510,000 seats per day, 50,000 more than in the previous year,” said the CSU politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group. In addition, the railway plans to use so-called amplifier trains for the days of Christmas traffic. This again leads to “several thousand seats a day,” announced Scheuer.

From the timetable change on December 12th, the offer of the railway will increase by eleven percent, it is said. The railway is setting up new connections with the ICE Sprinter (express train that hardly stops) between North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin and between Munich and North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition, a new IC line is to be built between Frankfurt and Münster or Dortmund.

The rail offer is not only growing compared to the first Corona winter, but also to the pre-Corona period. According to the Ministry of Transport, around 63,000 more seats will be offered per day in December 2021 than in December 2019.


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