Transhumanism: The Next End of Humanity

fact finder

Status: 24.11.2022 06:40 a.m

In the conspiracy scene, the term transhumanism is currently experiencing an upswing – not least because it integrates existing narratives into a kind of umbrella brand. However, experts consider the traction to be limited.

By Wulf Rohwedder, ARD fact finder editors

Ideologues from Vladimir Putin’s environment use the term as well as vaccination opponents, LGBTIQ enemies, technology skeptics, esotericists, religious extremists, climate change deniers or critics of capitalism. Especially in the corona denial scene, the myth of transhumanism as a global conspiracy is currently becoming more widespread, as it seamlessly adapts to the narratives of the “Great Reset” and the “Great Exchange”.

Population reduction and mind control, genetic manipulation, gender politics, technical implants, the dictates of an artificial intelligence controlled by an elite, along with the dissolution of human values ​​and norms – this is the dystopia that the adherents of this myth conjure up. The editor-in-chief of the right-wing populist online broadcaster AUF1 even speaks of the “end of mankind” triggered by “globalists”. He specifically names the Israeli author and historian Yuval Noah Harari as a “pioneer”.

Israeli author Harari is one of the main targets of transhumanist mythologists.

Image: IMAGO/Belga

term difficult to grasp

The term transhumanism has been around for decades and has undergone a number of changes in meaning over the course of its history. In principle, he describes efforts to expand the limits of human possibilities through the use of technological processes, i.e. the attempt to take evolution into one’s own hands and control it. These include established technologies such as pacemakers, but also artificial intelligence or genetic manipulation – right up to applications that can be attributed to eugenics.

The psychologist Sebastian Bartoschek has been dealing with conspiracy myths for a long time, as well as with the topic of transhumanism. He thinks human beings further, he says ARD fact finder. “These thoughts are diverse and wide-ranging. However, in public discourse, especially in social media, the only thing left is that transhumanists want to overcome the ‘current human being’, so to speak.”

With a view to the majority of transhumanists, however, that is not the case, “but it causes fear, namely fear that one could be sorted out as ‘unworthy’ or be dominated by a ‘new person'”. On the one hand, it is about a topic that fundamentally affects everyone, on the other hand it is about a topic that is mostly not understood and, moreover, stirs up fear. “In addition, there are a few loud transhumanists who actually serve clichés.”

Classic conspiracy structures

Political scientist Jan Rathje from the Center for Monitoring, Analysis and Strategy (CeMAS) sees the classic dualism in the instrumentalization of the term, which is the basis of all conspiracy ideologies: “It’s about artificial versus natural, which stands for good versus evil,” he says ARD fact finder. They build on old enemy images and modernize them. For this purpose, existing conflicts would be ideologically interpreted and exploited.

Google, the World Economic Forum, the LGBTQI+ movement and genetic engineers – according to Magnet, they are all working to destroy humanity.

Image: UP1

Connectable in many ways

Accordingly, other social conflicts would be subordinated to this narrative. Social Darwinist, LGBTIQ-hostile or racist ideologies would also find a place in it: modern, “unnatural” medicine against “natural” selection, “natural” gender dualism” against “unnatural diversity, “natural” ethnic differentiation against the “unnatural “Integration and mixing.

“Tales like this catch on among opponents of vaccination,” says Rathje. Here one could tie in with the myths of gene manipulation and population reduction through vaccination as well as the claim that vaccines contain microchips. The narrative is also compatible with orthodox religious currents: “For some people, abortion is already considered transhumanism,” says the political scientist.

Skepticism quite justified

The protagonists hardly deal with the actual idea of ​​transhumanism – or at best with particularly extreme representatives. There is certainly reason to critically question the ideology behind it: “Overcoming human borders can help to eliminate or expand inequality,” explains Rathje.

The right-wing extremist magazine “Compact” also uses the narrative of transhumanism as a global conspiracy.

Image: “Compact” magazine

So far little encouragement

Rathje does not want to venture a prognosis as to whether the transhumanism myth will succeed in the conspiracy milieu. Although some protagonists would advertise it massively in the scene – “at the moment it’s more of a discourse of the internal elites”. The classic topics such as supposed vaccination risks would work even better so far.

The psychologist Bartoschek also finds it difficult to make a prognosis: “Conspiracy stories often merge, merge and are developed further. They are then often enriched with classic motifs.”

Bartoschek believes it is conceivable that a merging with child abduction stories, such as those spread by the QAnon movement, will take place, “according to the motto: they do experiments with them looking at the supposed ‘small elite’.” The resumption of the UFO topic is also conceivable – since it is about special technology.

discussion necessary

Bartoschek warns that the discourse on transhumanism should be taken seriously – on the one hand because technology in this area is increasing. “On the other hand, there is not enough good communication on the part of science – this also promotes conspiracy thinking. The topic of transhumanism will definitely be of great relevance to society as a whole in the coming years and decades.”

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