Transgender and the Cass Report: How best to help young people? – Health

The data on the treatment of trans young people with puberty blockers and hormones is poor, which is why England has now severely restricted the use of these drugs. Should this also apply to Germany?

The data situation is really bad. New reviews have recently shown how few high-quality studies there are on the treatment of children and adolescents who do not identify with the gender registered at birth. They were initiated by a team led by the British pediatrician Hilary Cass on behalf of the British health service NHS. There were obvious problems at the only English center for the treatment of children and young people with gender incongruence in London. Patients were not treated there or were treated prematurely. Cass should summarize in a report what is known about how to best help these young people. The report has now been available in its final version – and the conclusion is: Not much is known about the risks or chances of success of treatments with puberty blockers or gender reassigning hormones.

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