Tram west tangent in Munich: This is how construction works in Laim – Munich

The tram west tangent is one of the largest public transport construction projects in the near future. The 8.3 kilometer long route is scheduled to connect Romanplatz in Neuhausen with Aidenbachstrasse in Obersendling from the end of 2028. Construction will take place in different phases: The Agnes-Bernauer-Straße to Ammerseestraße section is scheduled to go into operation at the end of 2025, followed by the section between Ammerseestraße and Ratzingerplatz by the end of 2027. Finally, there are the sections from Romanplatz to Agnes-Bernauer-Straße and Ratzingerplatz to Aidenbachstraße, which should be accessible from December 2028.

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