Trains already almost fully booked for the Christmas holidays

The French have flocked to train tickets for the Christmas holidays this year. SNCF ensures that more than 3.2 million people have already booked their trip for this period. “It is 50% more than last year”, assured Wednesday on
Europe 1 the Minister of Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari.

A slightly biased figure compared to Christmas 2020, a time during which France was living a curfew, and also at the end of 2019 marked by strikes against the pension reform. On the other hand, it is much more than Christmas 2018, a more classic end-of-year holiday period.

Jean-Baptiste Djebbari also indicated that the French reserved their tickets “further upstream”. If no peak attendance in the stations is planned and the trips will be spread over the two weeks of vacation, trains are already almost full to Brittany, the South-East or even the mountains. “The SNCF is fully mobilized, there will be as many trains as possible”, tempered the minister.

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