Traffic : Summer holidays cause traffic jams on the motorways

Summer holidays cause traffic jams on the highways

Vehicles are backed up in both directions on the A8 motorway from Munich to Salzburg in front of the Inntal triangle. photo

© Uwe Lein/dpa

Every year again: At the beginning of the holidays, it gets crowded on the motorways. The ADAC recommends starting as early as possible.

With Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, the last two federal states have now started the summer holidays – and this is also noticeable on the streets.

The ADAC reported traffic jams and slow traffic on the autobahns in Germany and neighboring countries on Saturday. “The announced traffic jam situation has set in,” said a spokesman.

Long traffic jams on the trunk roads had already occurred on Friday due to the start of the holiday season in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. A second wave of travelers came from Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, while people returning from vacation from Scandinavia, North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also made the streets full.

According to the car club, there were major traffic jams on Saturday, including on the A1 between Bremen and Lübeck: Here it was 20 kilometers long. Travelers on the A8 also had to reckon with longer waiting times – the travel between Munich and Salzburg caused slowdowns over a distance of 22 kilometers. Traffic was also slow on the A7 in the direction of Hamburg. There were also increasing delays on the A24 between Kremmmen and Neuruppin: there was a 19-kilometre traffic jam here.

Especially on Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon there are many travelers on the streets, said the ADAC spokesman. Holidaymakers should therefore, if possible, start their journey in the early hours of the morning or switch to alternative routes.


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