Traffic policy in the district: Ebersberger FDP criticizes Allianz B304 – Ebersberg

The liberals in the county seat are skeptical about the latest developments in the “Alliance B304”. This was initiated in 2020 by Ebersberg Mayor Ulrich Proske and is intended to bring a common solution to the traffic problems for the neighboring communities. After a visit to the Bavarian Ministry of Transport last week, Proske was cautiously optimistic. Minister Christian Bernreiter (CSU) announced that a working group on the subject would be set up. FDP local chairman Volker Wagner-Solbach misses concrete demands from the neighboring municipalities and expects difficulties due to the sometimes conflicting goals of the municipalities, Ebersberg, for example, gets along well with the B304. The catalog of measures drawn up by the local working group on traffic should therefore be tackled against the traffic problems in the district town, such as creating a traffic analysis and improving local public transport.

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