Traffic light: SPD, FDP and Greens in the trap of success – opinion

Of course, none of the three parties is forced to take the final step towards the traffic light coalition. But anything else would be a devastating finding for democracy in Germany. And it would be better not to disturb the Union now anyway.

Comment from

Daniel Brössler

It is undoubtedly a difficult task to summarize many hours of political discussion in a few pages. It also takes some effort to formulate common ground where the starting positions are far apart. The biggest challenge that the general secretaries and the managing directors of the SPD, FDP and Greens had to face for this Friday of the preliminary decision was a different one. They had to live up to a huge expectation that had been inspired by cleverly staged images and hopeful hints. The red-green-yellow negotiators have maneuvered themselves into a kind of success trap. With the friendly framework, they created the basis for an agreement. But none of them can easily get out of this framework.

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