Traffic light government: Habeck: Blocking the law in the cabinet was “no highlight”

traffic light government
Habeck: Blocking the law in the cabinet was “no highlight”

Cabinet members from the Greens (from left): Environment Minister Steffi Lemke, Family Minister Lisa Paus, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Economics Minister Robert Habeck. photo

© Michael Kappeler/dpa

Because FDP Finance Minister Lindner is stepping on the brakes on basic child security, Family Minister Lisa Paus from the Greens is blocking the Growth Opportunities Act. Now her party colleague speaks out.

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck is annoyed that the blocking of the Growth Acceleration Act by his Green party colleague Lisa Paus has again created the impression of a dispute in the traffic light coalition. The Vice Chancellor said in the ZDF “heute journal” that it was “not a highlight”.

The impression of the dispute is very annoying because the coalition is actually constantly deciding important things. “We screw it up for ourselves all the time. And of course that’s no secret to long-term success,” Habeck complained.

The Growth Opportunities Act was blocked last week by Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) because of the unresolved financing of basic child security. Habeck, who had already approved the law with around 50 tax breaks for companies, emphasized that there was no damage in the matter. He expects an agreement on both projects.

“Frustration or wrong tactics may have played a role”

At the same time, the Vice Chancellor pointed out that his party had supported many decisions in the past two years that were not in their election program but were important for the country and the country’s stability. With a view to the blockade in the cabinet, Habeck said: “It didn’t work out there. But frustration or wrong tactics may have played a role.”

With the basic child security, benefits for families are to be combined and increased at the same time. Paus presented a bill on this last week. The FDP is critical of performance improvements. Finance Minister Christian Lindner’s (FDP) Growth Opportunities Act is a legislative package with tax policy measures intended to relieve the economy by around 6.5 billion euros a year.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz expects an agreement on basic child security in the next few days, as a government spokesman said on Wednesday. Next week, the cabinet will meet for a retreat at Meseberg Castle north of Berlin.


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