Traffic light coalition: Paus: Basic child security is an investment in prosperity

traffic light coalition
Paus: Basic child security is an investment in prosperity

The draft of the “Growth Opportunities Act” by Federal Finance Minister Lindner could not be launched in the cabinet because Family Minister Lisa Paus vetoed it. photo

© Britta Pedersen/dpa

The goal of more calm in the coalition does not last long. One of the coalition partners is talking about extortion. The family minister insists on more money for children and families.

In the coalition dispute over the planned tax breaks for companies, Family Minister Lisa Paus emphasized that there was more money for Children and families needed to strengthen prosperity. “The basic child security is an investment in the future of our children and our prosperity. That’s why we are well advised to do both: to improve the opportunities for children to participate and to strengthen growth opportunities for the economy,” said the Green politician on Thursday of the German Press Agency . “We have to tackle both in a targeted manner and show as a traffic light that we can do it together and at the same time.”

Contrary to what was planned, the cabinet did not pass the so-called Growth Opportunities Act by Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) on Wednesday. This is a legislative package with tax policy measures intended to relieve the economy by around 6.5 billion euros a year. The reason: Paus blocked the project. She demands more money for basic child security. This should enable families to access state benefits more easily.

Chancellor wants to end dispute quickly

The Chancellor wants to end the current dispute quickly. “We will pass a law on growth opportunities this month,” assured Scholz yesterday at the NRW Entrepreneurs’ Day in Düsseldorf. The law will be passed at the cabinet meeting in Meseberg. The few days until then will be used to “make the law a little nicer,” said Scholz.

Harsh criticism of Scholz

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann harshly criticized the Chancellor. “Germany is no longer just the sick man of Europe, but of the world. Citizens and companies rightly expect the Federal Chancellor to finally take the leadership that he promised and bring our country forward,” said Linnemann of the ” New Osnabrück newspaper”.

The trade association BVMW made a similar statement. “While Germany, unlike other countries, is slipping into a deep recession, the federal government is fighting a battle over the personal vanities of individual ministers,” said Christoph Ahlhaus, chairman of the BVMW federal management.


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