Traffic cut off by paratroopers in the 7th arrondissement

No, it is not the Russian troops who are coming to explain themselves to Emmanuel Macron. This Wednesday, traffic should be partially cut in the 7th arrondissement of Paris. In question ? The release of fifteen parachutists above the Esplanade des Invalides.

Nothing to fear, however, the Paris police headquarters tells us. This is an operation by the Air and Space Force on the occasion of the flag tour of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Two aerobatic planes will fly over the capital

To secure the military landing zone, the circulation of any type of vehicle will be prohibited between 3:10 p.m. and 3:50 p.m. on several portions of roads in the 7th arrondissement: avenue du Maréchal Gallieni, rue Saint-Dominique, between rue Fabert and rue de Constantine, rue de Grenelle, between rue Fabert and rue de Constantine, rue de l’Université, between rue Fabert and rue de Constantine, rue Fabert, rue de Constantine and rue Robert Esnault Pelterie.

The operation should offer an impressive spectacle to local residents and passers-by. Perhaps even less than the second operation organized a little later in the day with the flight over the capital by two aerobatic planes of the army from Porte de Vanves to Porte Maillot via Les Invalides, the Grand Palais and the Arc de Triomphe. These flyovers should take place around 6:15 p.m.

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