Toxic masculinity, how to educate children?

The day after International Women’s Rights Day, we wonder in our news podcast “ Wait a minute ! “: What education should be given to children to avoid “masculinity, toxic manhood transmitted to the boys, which we talked about in our last meeting “La Bulle”?

How do you teach children, especially boys, that there are unequal gender norms? How to deconstruct stereotyped norms with them, give them the keys to respect for girls and consent? At what age ? And by whom? To answer in this episode, Beatrice Millêtredoctor in psychology, psychotherapist specializing in children.

The family environment and the school in the first line

Recall that “toxic masculinity” is a concept used in psychology and in gender studies about certain norms of male behavior that have a negative impact on society and on men themselves. “It is about a regressive, sexist and homophobic virility in the service of domination […] and the devaluation of women”, according to the Journal of School of Psychology in 2019.

What advice for educating children and fighting against this “toxic masculinity”? When is the most relevant time to reduce unequal gender norms? How ? Is it first at school or in the family environment? How to react when our loved ones, who only want us well, but who can have sexist or homophobic reactions? These are the questions of this interview with psychologist Béatrice Millêtre, to listen to for free above.

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