Towards the end of the state of emergency in Nouméa, debate on the end of life and Nadal at Roland-Garros

Did you miss the news this morning? We’ve put together a summary to help you see things more clearly.

To help accelerate the dialogue, the executive is finally reviewing its strategy on New Caledonia. The state of emergency on the archipelago will be lifted on Tuesday at 5 a.m. in Nouméa (8 p.m. Monday in Paris), the Élysée announced on Sunday, which also indicated that 480 mobile gendarmes would arrive as reinforcements on site. The lifting of these exceptional measures must “allow meetings of the different components of the FLNKS (main pro-independence component) and travel to the roadblocks of elected officials or officials able to call for their lifting,” explained the presidency. However, the lull in violence remains precarious on site, with the police still struggling to control certain districts of Greater Nouméa.

It is a bill that goes beyond traditional political divisions. From this Monday, the text on the end of life will be debated in the hemicycle of the National Assembly. To allow time for debates which will combine medical, legal and personal matters, the Palais Bourbon has planned two weeks of discussions at first reading. The Minister of Health Catherine Vautrin will open the ball at 4 p.m., with the vote to take place on “June 11,” she recalled. In committee, deputies have already approved the principle of legalizing assisted dying, a central provision of the bill. So, before the opening of the debates, 20 minutes takes the opportunity to wonder to what extent the French are ready to question their own end of life, and inevitably, their death.

Will Nadal’s farewell to Roland-Garros resemble those of Mbappé with PSG? Is the tennis champion really preparing to write the last page of his legend in the Paris tournament? The questions pile up as the person himself admits that he is not “100%” sure of not coming back. The Spaniard says he is ready to come and attend a tribute ceremony next year at Roland Garros, even if he finally retires. In the meantime, an answer will be given to the question that is shaking up the first round: will Rafael Nadal manage to create the feat this Monday against world No.4 Alexander Zverev or will he take it from the start? the door ? Response at the end of this shock of the second day of the Paris tournament.

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