Towards the end of Barkhane, Washington still doubts Moscow and deadly rains in Brazil

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

Is Operation Barkhane living its last hours? It seems more and more likely. Pushed out by the ruling junta in Bamako, France and its European partners could formalize their military withdrawal from Mali on Thursday after nine years of anti-jihadist struggle led by Paris. Emmanuel Macron must therefore hold a press conference at the Elysee Palace this morning, in particular alongside the President of the European Council Charles Michel to announce the decisions taken on Wednesday evening during a summit bringing together several European and African leaders.

Like every day the question is simple: Who is bluffing on Ukraine? But in this game of liar poker the answer is obviously complicated and very sensitive. And on Wednesday night, new accusations came from a senior White House official. According to him, Russia has “increased” its presence on the border with Ukraine by up to “7,000 soldiers”, some of whom arrived on Wednesday. The same day Moscow had however announced a partial withdrawal of its forces. The tension is therefore still very far from falling.

The rainy season is tragic in the state of Rio de Janeiro. At least 94 people have died and 35 are missing in landslides and flooding in the tourist town of Petropolis, according to the latest government figures on Wednesday evening. The toll continued to rise hour by hour the day after torrential rains which transformed the streets of the center into rivers of mud, flattened houses and overturned dozens of cars. Above all, the balance sheet is only provisional, the number of missing in this locality of 300,000 inhabitants being still unknown.

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