Towards “a fairly rapid decline” according to epidemiologist Vittoria Colizza

Is the worst behind us? Even if the data remain worrying, with still nearly 300,000 Covid-19 contaminations per day, we have been observing for a few days “a slowdown in the growth dynamic”, notes Vittoria Colizza, research director at Inserm, in an interview. to Sunday newspaper.

According to the models of the Pasteur Institute, this means for her that we are “close to the peak”. “We can expect a fairly rapid decline,” she prophesies, relying on British data and on the decline already underway in Ile-de-France.

The epidemic is not over

But the epidemiologist recalls that “high vaccination coverage is essential” and that “vigilance is essential” to maintain this hope. “A 20% reduction in our social contacts would halve the number of hospitalizations”, she asserts in the JDD. Also, don’t get too excited. Vittoria Colizza says she “smiles” at the announcements that the epidemic is over, arguing that “we have no proof to say that this wave will be the last”.

To fight against the epidemic, however, the health authorities have two main levers: the vaccine and the tests. If Vittoria Colizza is satisfied that the first injections have “started up again” under the effect of the announcement of the vaccine pass, she criticizes, on the other hand, more harshly the policy of tests, in particular at school.

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