Towards a black Thursday on November 10 after calls for a strike in the metros and RER

The inhabitants of the capital who can, would do better to telecommute on November 10. The CGT, FO, Solidaires, Unsa unions of the RATP call for a day of strike on Parisian transport, metros and RER. The objective is clearly stated in their press release published on Monday: zero metro, zero RER on Thursday 10 November. The notice runs from Wednesday, November 9, 10 p.m., until Friday, November 11, 7 a.m.

The intersyndicale is mobilizing against “the displayed contempt” of the management “towards the driving category”. An attitude “in the image of social dialogue and this policy of destruction of our public company”, explains the press release. They are demanding an inflation-indexed salary increase and recognition of their qualifications.

The unions hope to make this day “a success”. The CGT has more widely called for two days of strikes and national and interprofessional demonstrations, on October 27 and November 10, to demand a wage increase, confederal secretary Céline Verzeletti told AFP on Friday. On October 18, the unions had already called for an interprofessional strike. In total, 107,000 people demonstrated according to the Interior, “nearly 300,000” according to the CGT, organizer with FO, Solidaires, the FSU and the youth organizations Fidl, MNL, Unef and High School Life.

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