Tourist arrested in Auschwitz for showing the Nazi salute

Dutch tourist gives Hitler salute in Auschwitz and is arrested

The tourist posed for a photo with her arm raised in front of the camp gate in Auschwitz with the inscription “Work sets you free”

© Phil Bird / Picture Alliance

A Dutch tourist has been arrested on the site of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. She had shown the Hitler salute.

A Dutch tourist has been arrested at the site of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp in Poland for performing the Nazi salute. Polish police officers then arrested the 29-year-old woman, the police said on Twitter. Accordingly, she had posed with her arm raised in front of the camp gate with the inscription “Work makes you free”. Prosecutors imposed a fine, which they accepted, Polish news agency PAP reported.

Security guards caught her in the act when she posed for a photo taken by her husband. “She dismissed it as a bad joke,” regional police spokesman Bartosz Izdebski told the PAP news agency.

One million Jews were murdered in the Auschwitz death camp

The death camp is a symbol of Nazi Germany’s genocide of six million European Jews. Between 1940 and 1945, one million Jews and 100,000 other people were murdered there.


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