Tourism: “Ballermann” entrepreneurs commit themselves to rules of conduct

“Ballermann” entrepreneurs commit themselves to rules of conduct

Customers sit outside of a restaurant in Palma. Photo: Clara Margais/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

No more partying at Ballermann? The measures taken by the regional government of the Balearic Islands are not quite as drastic. Together with the local operators, however, they have set new rules…

The reactivation of tourism after two years of a pandemic should also proceed in an orderly manner on Mallorca at the notorious “Ballermann”. Numerous restaurateurs and other entrepreneurs in the party mile of the Spanish holiday island have signed a code of conduct.

Among other things, this is intended to stop the notorious “drinking tourism”, as the Abone association responsible for nightlife announced on Friday.

The signatories to the agreement include the operators of cult bars on the Playa, such as Megapark and Bierkönig. The document lists ten points that the “Mallorca Zeitung” describes as “rules of conduct”. The local operators therefore not only want to comply with the rules set by politics. They also want to step up action against excessive alcohol consumption, racism, violence and drug use.

No more partying in swimming trunks

The discotheques also want to communicate and work together more with each other as part of this project. For example, anyone who is banned from entering a pub should not be able to stroll to the next bar so easily. A direct line to the police should also be set up, with which one wants to work closely.

The regional government of the Balearic Islands has been striving for an image change for several years. One wants to increase the quality of the tourist offers and ban the so-called “drinking vacationers” above all in the “Ballermann”, which is popular with German vacationers, but also in the “British stronghold” of Magaluf. That shouldn’t mean the end of the party on Mallorca. But the celebration audience should no longer be allowed into the discotheques in swimming trunks or with offensive clothing, for example.

The first rush of visitors is expected around the Easter holidays. Partying like before is not allowed under the current Corona rules. Theoretically, a mask must be worn when dancing. Eating and drinking is only allowed at the table. Recently, however, these measures have only been laxly complied with. In view of the high vaccination rate and the falling corona numbers, it is possible that the restrictions will be further relaxed before the season.


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