Tour of the Alps – 1st stage: Geoffrey Bouchard (AG2R-Citroën) wins alone and takes his first victory

Frenchman Geoffrey Bouchard won the first stage of the Tour of the Alps on Monday, in Primiero/San Martino di Castrozza (Italy) by resisting with panache the return of the peloton launched on his heels to take the first overall leader’s jersey.

Bouchard, winner of the mountain grand prix of the last Tour of Italy, first showed his qualities as a climber to make the difference in the two main climbs of the day (Passo Brocon and Passo Gobbera).

From two minutes to five seconds

But the AG2R-Citroën rider also had to turn into a rider to resist the return of the peloton not without difficulty during a much flatter final circuit, concluding this initial stage of 160.9 km. His lead of almost 2 minutes then melted, but the Frenchman kept five seconds on the line in front of the group led by Pello Bilbao (Bahrain-Victorious), second, and Romain Bardet (DSM), third.

Bouchard takes the overall lead in this five-stage race, contested until Friday on both sides of the border between Italy and Austria.

The peloton did not bite it: Bouchard holds his first bouquet

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