Tour de France: Pogacar collapses, Vingegaard wins six minutes – Sport

Tadej Pogacar collapses completely on the queen stage of the tour. The yellow wearer Jonas Vingegaard distances him by almost six minutes, has the title defense almost certain – and greets from the planet Armstrong.

At the moment when the triumph was almost certain, Jonas Vingegaard came across as almost relaxed. There was one last steep ramp up, an unbelievable 18 percent up to the Altiport Courchevel, and Vingegaard could afford to master this part with measured effort. The Dane seemed almost relaxed, and when he was up, he raised his right fist, kissed it – and then rolled over the finish line. And up there he was able to wait what felt like an eternity until his big challenger Tadej Pogacar from Slovenia finally crossed the finish line: blank gaze, completely exhausted and almost wavy lines.

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