Tour de France: In top form: stage hunter Politt hopes for his chance

Tour de France
In top form: stage hunter Politt hopes for his chance

The German champion Nils Politt (2nd from left) is in good shape. Photo: Jasper Jacobs/BELGA/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

Nils Politt is the German champion in the Tour de France for the first time. So far, the Schlaks from Cologne was primarily used as a helper, but now his terrain is coming.

It clicked for Nils Politt. Since the man from Cologne rose to become the stage winner of the Tour de France in Nimes last year, he has not only been perceived differently in the peloton. The way you look at yourself is also different.

“Something changed in my head,” admits Politt. So it’s only logical that the professional cyclist from the Bora-hansgrohe team wants to repeat his coup at this year’s Tour of France.

After Politt kept his captain Alexander Wlassow out of all dangers in the opening stages in Denmark, his terrain now comes. On Tuesday it’s France’s hilly and windy north from Dunkirk to Calais, followed by the cobblestone stage to the forest of Arenberg the following day. The big question: Can Politt drive? Sports director Rolf Aldag says: “Nils was second at Paris-Roubaix, of course we know that too. But we also have to reflect and say that the main priority is the general classification with Alex.”

Tactics still secret

Doesn’t sound like a free ride for Politt, but Aldag could also play poker. Logically, the ex-professional of the Telekom team keeps his tactical plans to himself. Because the team can definitely play the Politt card, after all they have another strong cobblestone driver as a protector for Wlassow in the Austrian Marco Haller.

The green light would no doubt do Politt good. His stage win last year showed that. “After that it went really well. I won the Germany Tour, this year my home race around Cologne and became German champion for the first time,” Politt lists. And with the cobblestones he still has a score to settle this year. Actually, Paris-Roubaix was supposed to be his first highlight of the season in the spring, but bronchitis and a corona infection thwarted the plans.

So Politt thought about the tour. “I made a cut and put the bike aside for a week,” says the 1.92-meter-tall professional. “I then worked a lot to be in top form on the tour. I think I managed to do that just in time.” Of course, Politt dutifully emphasizes that his first task is to get Wlasow safely through the treacherous first week.

Victory at German championship

Already at the German championships a week before the start of the tour in the Sauerland, it was clear how great Politt’s form is. He won the difficult 190 kilometers with a good 3000 meters of altitude difference as a soloist. A strong performance for a driver with his physical condition, after all many experts had more mountain-stable drivers on their screens like Lennard Kämna or Emanuel Buchmann.

In the opening days in Denmark, Politt was strong again. On the last 30 kilometers of the stage to Sønderborg he was always ahead in the wind and protected Vlasow. But as self-sacrificing as Politt is as a helper, he would also like to get his own chance. “It’s just fun to win and throw your arms up. That will never change either.”


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