Touching animal video: dog saves fawn from drowning

Watch the video: Heartwarming action – dog saves fawn from drowning at the last second.

This dog appears to be rescuing a fawn from a creek. The Labrador carefully pulls the deer out of the flowing water and brings it to its master.
Apparently nothing happened to the fawn during the animal rescue operation.
The video was posted on Twitter with the comment: “He definitely deserves a big reward”.
But some users are not convinced of the alleged rescue. They point out that the fawn cannot survive without its mother. Young deer are good swimmers, it is likely that the fawn followed its mother. And users should not confuse the supposed rescue with the Labrador’s hunting instincts. Labradors are used for duck hunting, the dogs being trained to grab prey carefully so as not to damage it.
The video does not reveal what happened to the fawn.

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