Top Bundesliga game: Müller is “sometimes missing his balls” at FC Bayern

Bundesliga top game
Müller is “sometimes missing his balls” at FC Bayern

Bayern veteran Thomas Müller found clear words. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

The 3-0 loss at Bayer Leverkusen annoys Thomas Müller enormously. The national player vented his anger in an interview after the big game – and he questioned his team’s attitude.

After the harmless performance in the 3-0 defeat in the top game at Bayer Leverkusen, Thomas Müller clearly criticized the attitude of the FC Bayern players.

“I’m missing – now we can quote our Oliver Kahn – some of the balls and this freedom. We have a mentality in our game, especially with the ball,” said the Munich international on Sky. In training, the team shows “significantly better approaches because we are brave because we play football there.”

No coach criticism

The 34-year-old emphasized that this was not criticism of coach Thomas Tuchel. “We had enough players of international caliber on the pitch that you don’t need to go to the coach,” he told Sky presenter Patrick Wasserziehr. “What I’m talking about are decisions, especially with the ball, that has something to do with game intelligence, with independence.”

The victory for Bayer was “absolutely deserved,” said Müller. “We can keep the analysis short.” The Leverkusen team, “they just gamble, they play football, they look for solutions,” said the 2014 world champion. He also expects the same from his team. Instead, the Bayern team plays too statically, “from a to b, from b to c, nobody has the freedom to just start playing.”

Tuchel said in the Sky interview that Müller was “not wrong” with his criticism. The coach did not include Müller in the starting line-up; the offensive player was substituted on in the 60th minute. “We had a whole week to prepare for it. We wanted to defend very offensively and not let Leverkusen’s flow of the game get in the way,” said Tuchel: “But we made incredibly bad decisions. He’s right about a lot of things.”


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