Top 5 Android & iOS Apps of the Week: Find the Killer with Cluedo!

Unlike our free app suggestions list, we test every app on our top 5 list before recommending it. This is how we ensure that we can rely on the quality.

We know you hate ads, so we’ve included key information about each app. This way you can better decide whether you want to download them or not. But enough chatter – let’s get to this week’s top apps!

Penly: Digital Planner & Notes (Android)

Penly is a paid app that’s ideal for note-taking, PDF editing, and even journaling. In addition to the software keyboard, you can also use a stylus for input. The app offers extensive customization options, from pen color to imported fonts. You can also quickly convert handwritten notes into text – ideal for students and professionals.

The app offers a digital planner with linked, undated monthly, weekly and daily pages that are reusable. The app is perfect for those who love to be organized but might be too complex for users who prefer simpler solutions. If you’re in the latter group, consider the Post-it app we recommend below.

  • Price: 5.49 euros / Advertising: No / In-App Purchases: No / account required: No

Do you love to keep a diary and write down your thoughts? Penly does that pretty well in a minimalist format. / © nextpit

A word about PDF. You can import practically any PDF file into the app and navigate from there using the existing hyperlinks. You want to edit the imported files and save the changes? You can do this by exporting the edited file as an editable Penly file or as a PDF. Note that the export process is not always 100% accurate as large PDFs can cause complications when exporting.

Post it (Android and iOS)

Everyone is familiar with Post-it notes, whether you are a student or a professional. It has become synonymous with notes that can be stuck to walls, refrigerator doors, monitors or book pages – there are no limits to creativity! You may also be wondering why the company 3M, the inventor of the Post-it note, is still developing its own app with so many Post-it clones?

The good thing about this app is that you can get started right away without having any IT knowledge. She really is foolproof. If you tap the big plus sign below, you can choose to create a new Post-it note or take multiple Post-it notes with your phone’s camera.

When you decide to create a new Post-it note, you can choose from a variety of colors, sizes, text formatting, and stationery types. You can either type your notes for a clean result or doodle with your finger – it’s your choice.

  • Price: For free / Advertising: No / In-App Purchases: No / account required: No
Post-it app screenshots

To-do lists, brainstorming sessions, and projects become easier with Post-it Notes. / © nextpit

Oh yes, this app is also the calling card of the 3M Store, where you can order Post-it Notes in various shapes, sizes and quantities. When you select the type you want (it also shows the colors available) you will be presented with a list of online retailers that carry these labels. Click on it and you will be taken out of the app to place your order and complete the transaction.

I just love this absolutely free app with no annoying pop-up ads! You can start right away without the need for tutorials.

Statista (Android and iOS)

Do you want to be the most knowledgeable person in the room? They say knowledge is power, but personally I would say applied knowledge is power. With Statista, you can wield a touch of power in your social circles by using this app to engage with unique, data-backed insights. With it, you gain a deeper understanding of important issues around the world every day.

  • Price: For free / Advertising: No / In-App Purchases: No / account required: No
Screenshots of the Statista app

Statista makes it easy for you to get different statistics on a variety of topics. / © nextpit

It can be hairy to look for statistics yourself, because there is not only an almost infinite amount of information on the Internet, but also misleading information time and time again. This app makes sure you’re getting serious information and is mostly useful as an entertainment tool if you want to flutter around as a social butterfly. With the daily infographics, you can get an overview of the information while receiving fun facts, quizzes and alerts on your favorite topics.

These stats can be saved with a single tap to read later. You can also organize them into Collections for easy reference in the future. Definitely more beneficial than endlessly scrolling through the social media feed, right?

AllTrails: Hike, Bike & Run (Android & iOS)

Do you like hiking in the great outdoors? Since you take your phone with you almost everywhere, why not use an app to help you navigate better? You can test AllTrails for seven days free of charge.

If you like it, you can spend $35.99 for AllTrails+ or $69.99 for the AllTrails Pro subscription, which includes additional features such as offline maps, wrong turn warnings, 3D flyover previews, trail finding, and more according to distance and above all freedom from advertising!

  • Price: For free / Advertising: Yes / In-App Purchases: Yes (35.99 euros for AllTrails+, 69.99 euros for AllTrails Pro) / account required: Yes
Screenshots of the AllTrails app

AllTrails lets you enjoy the great outdoors with community feedback. / © nextpit

AllTrails is most effective when you enable location services. The app offers a variety of hiking guides and displays a list of popular hiking trails nearby on its main page. If you’re feeling adventurous, check out community recommendations to find worthwhile trails. For each trail there is important information such as length, difference in altitude and estimated time – however, the time you need for the route also depends on your fitness level.

It’s about more than just exploring trails, there are other activities like mountain biking, trail running, basic hiking, bird watching, camping and even backpacking!

If there’s one thing that bothered me, it was the card image carousel, which I felt was a waste of time. I had to wait for each image to scroll through, making it a tedious and time-consuming affair. Some who are more sensitive might even get a bit dizzy. It might look cool visually, but it spoils the overall user experience.

Clue/Cluedo (Android and iOS)

Have you ever played the old board game Cluedo? This is a brand new remake for 2023 that reinterprets the crime-solving classic. The premise is this: someone has died and it’s up to you to find the killer from a bunch of suspects, identify the murder weapon and find the right room where the insidious act was committed.

Before you can come to a conclusion, you must collect important evidence and interrogate the suspects. This will allow you to discover their motives and confirm their alibis, if any. While the original rules have been retained, there’s a new investigation format for seasoned veterans to try out. This one is more visually appealing as everything is rendered in fully animated 3D graphics!

  • Price: 3.99 euros / Advertising: Yes / In-App Purchases: Yes / account required: Yes

While I’m not too thrilled because the game has ads, although you have to pay for them, it still offers you an immersive gaming experience no matter where you are. There aren’t many games these days that require you to think a lot, as many are just mindless time wasters. That’s why I recommend you this game because it makes you think and you don’t have to build up a game board compared to the original. Just load the game and let’s go!

In addition to the single player mode, there is also an offline multiplayer co-op mode that will surely keep your little ones busy on long car journeys.

That’s all for today. Did one of the apps in our top 5 list catch your eye? If you have an app or game you want to recommend, leave a comment and we’ll take a look.

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