Top 20 most beautiful deciduous trees and shrubs

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1. Serviceberry

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This small shrub of great beauty is covered with a magnificent white bloom in spring, then decorative berries in summer, before adorning itself with very beautiful fall foliage of copper and purple color. Berries, Saskatoons, can be consumed.

Because it has a fairly compact silhouette, this shrub can find space in a small garden. It likes the sun, without going to a hot exposure, but it can also be installed in partial shade. It does not fear the cold, but the same cannot be said for drought.

2. Tree of wigs

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This bushy shrub bears grey-green, oval-shaped foliage. It is easily recognizable by its feathery inflorescences. This shrub is undemanding since it resists both cold and heat, it accepts both full sun and light shade. In addition, it makes it possible to vegetate poor soils, because it develops there without difficulty.

3. Spring Spirea

Spring Spirea
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In spring or summer, depending on the species, this small shrub has the most beautiful effect when it is completely covered with white, red or pink flowers, tight against each other along its drooping stems. Then, in autumn, its very decorative foliage takes over. Very hardy and easy to grow, it needs to be installed in ordinary soil and in a location in partial shade.

4. Physocarp

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The physocarp is also a very decorative shrub in different seasons. Some varieties bear burgundy or dark brown foliage, while in others it is green. In autumn, it takes on beautiful bright red hues. In May, small white flowers give it another type of charm.

If it is able to withstand temperatures down to -15°, he fears the drought. It must be reserved a location in partial shade in cool soil.

5. Weigelia

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The weigelia is a very decorative flowering shrub. It is characterized by a bushy habit with a multitude of branches, some of which fall to the ground. Its deciduous foliage is green and can be variegated with yellow or purple. In May, it is adorned with small flowers in the shape of white, pink or red bells which are grouped in small bouquets all along the branches.

very rustic, it is easy to grow and will do well in well-drained soil in a sunny spot, but a more shady spot will do too.

6. Callicarpa

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More commonly known as candy shrub, this superb shrub is very ornamental in autumn. It is then covered with clusters of round, shiny berries purple, violet, pink or white. Hardy and easy to grow, it requires to be installed in a sunny location or in partial shade. It is recommended to plant at least 2 feet close to each other to promote fruiting.

7. Mock orange

mock orange
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Also called poet’s jasmine, this deciduous shrub is valued for its spring flowering. It is then covered with an abundance of very fragrant white flowers. It is a plant that can be grown anywhere in France, in well-drained soil in a sunny location or in partial shade.

8. Forsythia

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Forsythia is a shrub with deciduous foliage that brightens up gardens as soon as the warm weather returns. Indeed, at the end of winter, it is covered witha superb yellow bloom to warn you that spring is coming and to give color to your garden. Then it is covered with green foliage until autumn.

It is a hardy shrub that can be planted in any region in France, whether in a location in the sun or in partial shade. It requires little maintenance.

Important : If you need to prune it, remember to do it immediately after flowering or you may not have flowers the following year.

9. Pepper tree

Pepper Tree
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Also known as chaste tree, this very decorative shrub bears a deciduous foliage which gives off an odor of pepper, hence its name. Its blue-purple flowering in spikes takes place in summer, followed by small round edible berries. It needs to be installed in a drained soil, as well as sheltered from winds and frost. However, it tolerates drought.

10. Elderberry

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The elderberry is a shrub whose deciduous foliage bears intense colors. From the month of June, it is covered with a generous and fragrant bloom. In autumn, it offers fruiting which is a delight for birds. It is an easy-going tree that grows quickly.

11. Butterfly Tree

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The butterfly bush, or buddleia, is a shrub whose deciduous, oval and lanceolate foliage is finely toothed. Its leaves are dull green on the front and silver gray on the reverse. Its superb lilac-colored flowering attracts many insects. Very rustic, it is to be installed in a sunny location with drained soil, even if it is poor or calcareous.

12. Shrimp Willow

Willow Shrimp
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This shrub with a bushy habit or on a stem is appreciated for its very decorative pink and white foliage. Very resistant to cold, it can be grown anywhere in France, in any type of soil, provided it is humus-rich. However, it will be easier to grow it in the northern regions.

13. Winter Viburnum

Winter Viburnum
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This deciduous shrub is appreciated for its winter flowering. It is then covered with tubular flowers of pinkish red to pinkish white. They are delicately scented and reminiscent of honey and vanilla. Quite hardy, it withstands temperatures down to -15°C. It is to be installed in a location in the sun or in partial shade.

14. White Dogwood

White Dogwood
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The dogwood is a very hardy shrub that measures between 1.2 and 2 meters high. It has a bushy habit and is generally wider than it is tall. What we appreciate about it is its decorative foliage which takes on a beautiful red color before falling and leaving the front of the stage to its coral red branches. It is covered in spring with a discreet whitish bloom and small berries in summer. It is a tolerant and easy-care shrub that you can install in the sun or in partial shade.

15. Japanese maple

Japanese Maple
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This great little graphic tree is easy to grow and very cold hardy. It can reach between 1 and 10 meters high. Its deciduous foliage is of variable color in spring and more or less webbed in shape depending on the species.

In autumn, the leaves turn flamboyant orange-red. It likes shade or partial shade and, because of its slow development, it is also well adapted to grown in pots than in the ground.

16. Hibiscus

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Also called althea, this shrub is distinguished by its superb flowers of bright colors and very decorative. The variety grown outdoors is usually hibiscus syriacus. Its foliage is deciduous and its summer flowering. It withstands temperatures down to -20°C. Other varieties are not hardy and are rather intended for indoor cultivation.

17. Ceanothe

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Known for its blue blooms, this ornamental shrub will bring texture to your garden. If there are some varieties whose foliage is evergreen, the deciduous ceanothus benefits froma summer bloom, is much more resistant to cold and can be grown anywhere in France.

18. Japanese Quince

Japanese Quince
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Very easy to grow, this deciduous shrub adapts to all types of soil, withstands temperatures down to -25°C and air pollution. From the end of winter, it is adorned with an early flowering whose colors will bring dynamism to your exterior. After the flowers come the leaves. It can also be used to form a defensive hedge, due to its thorns.

19. Cotoneaster

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Cotoneaster is a bushy shrub that can be grown as a hedge or isolated. Undemanding and very hardyit is an easy shrub to grow.

What characterizes him are his dense foliage and red or orange berries which bring a colorful touch in autumn or winter, and which make it possible to feed the birds during the bad seasons. Its foliage can be deciduous or evergreen depending on the species.

20. Deutzia

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This very beautiful shrub is covered in the spring withan avalanche of small flowers in the shape of white or pink stars. It is then possible to use flowering branches for the realization of bouquets. It is a deciduous shrub which is very hardy and easy to grow, and which remains decorative even in winter thanks to its beautiful bark. Fast growing, it requires pruning immediately after flowering to encourage the growth of new branches.

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