Top 14 – The barometer of Montpellier – La Rochelle: bright Thomas Darmon, Ihaia West misses his return

Winner of La Rochelle in the last match of the first day of Top 14 (26-15), Montpellier can thank Thomas Darmon. The center was in all the good shots. Alexandre Bécognée showed him the example, while Tolu Latu and Enzo Forletta sank into indiscipline. On the La Rochelle side, Oscar Jégou sowed great promise and Ihaia West missed his reunion with the Charente jersey.


Oscar Jegou

You had discovered it during the last world championship for the under 20s, but Oscar Jégou had had very few opportunities to show himself in the Top 14. This Sunday, he started and did what he knew do better. A hyperactive flanker, he struggled in defense, chaining tackles, sometimes fully delivering his body. Also, he was very available in the game by multiplying the charges. If he still has to progress a little in terms of his power, La Rochelle holds the future here.

Thomas Darmond

As soon as he is in possession of the ball, we feel that something special can happen. And in a Montpellier team that has generally disappointed in terms of its creativity, having Thomas Darmon was a gift from heaven. Author of the first try, it is first of all he who superbly shifts Julien Tisseron on the wing, thanks to a very accurate one-step pass, before being in support of Serfontein. In the second act, he also made a name for himself by crossing the line before Karkadze’s try. Decisive, he continues to ride on his very good end to last season.

Alexandre Becognee

Evening captain with Montpellier, the third line wanted to set an example on the pitch. As usual, he struggled in the combat zones without counting his efforts. Player with the most ball-in-hand runs of the match (twelve), Bécognée was able to find progress within a conquering third line. In defense, he did not leave his share to the dog either with ten tackles. He made the game he needed.


Ihaia West

For his return under the colors of La Rochelle, Ihaia West will not have marked the spirits, far from it. Obviously, it is necessary to underline his 50% against the poles (2/4) which is not to his advantage, given that his two missed attempts could have given a comfortable lead in the score to La Rochelle. Often mocked for his setbacks in the penalty shootout, he failed to prove his image wrong. But also and above all, his conduct of the game was faulty. Overusing the game on foot, he often sought to distill small balls behind the first Montpellier defensive curtain. But each time it was a failure. Sometimes, it was even very badly felt since it put the Cists in a counter-attack position. A frustrating return.

Top 14 – Ihaia West disappointed for his return to La Rochelle
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Unfortunately, we have seen too much this Saturday the Tolu Latu of the French Stadium. Yet a player capable of wonders, the Australian was once again struck by his indiscipline on the lawn of GGL Stadium. Twice, he made a mistake in a chopped first act. He contributed to the bad first period of the Héraultais, unable to leave their camp. Not very influential in the game, he was returned and pushed into touch by Thierry Paiva following a maul. His replacement, Vano Karkadze, scored a try as soon as he came on.

Enzo Forletta

We were talking about the indiscipline of Tolu Latu, that of Enzo Forletta was also evident in the main area of ​​the game for a mainstay: the scrum. Sanctioned four times in the showdown against the young Alexsandre Kuntelia, he never knew how to find the solution against the Georgian. Fortunately, Ihaia West’s slight awkwardness against the poles kept the MHR alive. Forletta came out in the 53rd minute, after yet another admonishment from Mr. Praderie.

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