Tollwood in Munich starts: Numerous prominent acts until mid-July – Munich

The Tollwood Festival kicks off, and on the opening weekend it’s worth looking up in the evening as 150 drones take to the skies and form water-themed images. The music for the aerial spectacle, fittingly: Franz Schubert’s “Trout Quintet” and Bedřich Smetana’s “Moldau”.

If there is no rain, then at least the staging above the heads of the visitors should remind them how essential water is for life on earth – and how scarce it can be in times of climate crisis, after all, even in Germany we are gradually becoming aware of it , meaning extreme drought. The element can be encountered in many places on the site. Visitors are greeted at the entrance by a large gate with a water curtain. The art installation “Out of Balance”, on the other hand, draws attention to the consequences of extreme drought.

The festival in hippie tradition attracts visitors with arts and crafts, culinary delights and prominent acts from this Friday until July 16th. Among others, Tom Jones, Konstantin Wecker, the “Fantastic Four” and “Placebo” will be on stage. Bad luck for last-minute visitors: Many of the concerts are already sold out. More information is available at

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