Together!, “the only political force capable of obtaining a majority” in the Assembly, says Borne

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne estimated on Sunday that Together!, arrived according to the polls elbow-to-elbow with the union of the left in the first round of the legislative elections, was the “only political force able to obtain the majority ” in the Assembly next Sunday in the second round. As abstention hits an all-time high, “our first collective duty is to roll back abstention,” she said from Together!’s campaign headquarters.

The united left and the Macron camp are neck and neck (25% to 25.9%), the re-elected president not being guaranteed to retain an absolute majority in the National Assembly, against a backdrop of record abstention. The game promises to be open for the second round, next Sunday, where one of the challenges will be to mobilize the abstainers. Between 52.1 and 53.2% of voters decided to shun the ballot box in the first round.

The absolute majority still hoped for by Macron’s party

The Macron camp, united under the label Together!, however retains the advantage in the projections of the 577 seats of deputies, with a range of 260 to 300 seats, ahead of the left (LFI, PCF, PS and EELV) gathered under the Nupes banner (150 to 208), according to the Harris Institute, and a range of 275 to 310 for Together! and 190 to 210 for Nupes, according to Ifop-Fiducial.

Together ! hopes to keep the absolute majority (289 deputies) to avoid having to deal with other groups to get the executive’s texts adopted. In 2017, La République en Marche and Modem had won more than 32% in the first round before obtaining nearly 350 deputies in the second.

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