Tofu in the Ökotest: A song of praise for the vegetable protein supplier

Eco test
Tofu is so good: A song of praise for the vegetable protein supplier

For those who do not eat meat, natural tofu is a healthy alternative

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A real all-rounder: tofu is rich in high-quality protein, iron, healthy fatty acids, cholesterol and gluten-free. What are you waiting for? Ökotest can recommend (almost) all products without hesitation.

Tofu is not a new trend product, the fermented bean curd has been consumed for 2000 years. The good news: It is plant-based, mostly organic and consists mainly of soybeans that are organically grown in Europe and do not require genetic engineering. Unlike soy for animal feed! In addition: tofu is healthy, provides a lot of vegetable protein, is rich in iron, B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Anyone who now thinks that tofu tastes bland will be disabused with marinades and spices that can be added to the tofu.

This test by “Ökotest” is almost boring: 14 products out of 22 natural tofus scored “very good”, seven “good” and only one tofu got a “satisfactory” rating. In “My Veggie Day Vegan Organic Tofu” (90 cents) from Aldi, the testers found elevated aluminum levels, which have a neurotoxic effect and could impair the development of children in the womb. The tofu is therefore devalued by two notes.

Tofu: Eco-friendly and healthy

There’s also something to complain about with “Bioasia Organic Tofu” (2.49 euros): Here the salt levels are higher. The total bacterial count of Penny’s tofu (90 cents) is too high. Nevertheless, both products still receive the overall rating “Good”. You have a free choice of products rated “Very Good”: the cheap ones from Edeka and Lidl for only 90 cents. Or Lord of Tofu’s for 2.39 euros.

Tofu is a versatile food: smoked, it is a particularly popular substitute for meat or sausage. Silken tofu is similar to pudding and goes very well with vegan desserts. A kind of plant-based cream, the silken tofu thickens like eggs when it is hot. Sometimes the natural tofu is mixed with herbs, spices, nuts or algae during the production process, quickly dispelling the prejudice that it would taste bland.

You can read the whole test here for a fee!

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