Tobias Klostermann gives financial tips for children. – Munich

“Wealth can be planned,” says Tobias Klostermann, “from the first 100 euros to your first million.” Successful multiplication of money is not rocket science if you know what to do and what not to do. Klostermann is an expert in financial planning and wealth management and has founded his own consulting firm. The trained banker has been supporting clients in financial decisions as an independent financial advisor for 20 years. Now he has written a book for children and young people in which he gives answers to money-related questions. The (some) tempting title: “How do I get richer than my parents?” (Hanser Verlag) In it, Klostermann explains, for example, what a “bull market” is and why putting your pocket money in a savings account is not the very best strategy.

The fact that Klostermann did a lot of things right with his own money shows that he lives in Munich and Kitzbühel. Two places where the cost of living is pretty high. On Saturday, November 12th, Klostermann will be presenting his book in a suitable place: in the Old Stock Exchange at Lenbachplatz 2a. Beginning 7.30 p.m.

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