To whom the SPD owes the election victory in Saarland – politics

The SPD wins the Saarland state elections by a landslide because it can win back its core constituency: older people and workers. Greens and FDP can only score with young voters. An analysis in graphics.


Berit Kruse and Soren Müller-Hansen

The jubilation at the SPD election party in Saarland is great when the bar of the first forecast continues to climb and only stops at just under 44 percent. If the result after counting all the votes did not deviate significantly from the first projections, it could even be enough for the Social Democrats and their top candidate Anke Rehlinger to have an absolute majority – and that’s how it happens. The preliminary final result shows 43.5 percent for the SPD. The party owes this resounding victory mainly to the fact that it was able to win back its core constituency: people with a lower level of education, senior citizens, workers.

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