“To have a positive light on the district” … The Copenhagen square wants to change its image

Like many ideas, this one was born during confinement. From the window of his balcony, the graffiti artist Joe Popi saw the gray walls of the Almadies shopping center every day, dreaming of coloring this small shopping center with an aging touch. He will not have succeeded. But thanks to the street animators at Le Relais, the artist had access to the decrepit walls of the underground car park of Copenhagen Square where he lives. Property of the lessor Aiguillon Construction, the concrete structure has been sporting charming colored tones for a few days. “I chose four shades of blue. Quite neutral colors, which can please everyone. I have never seen so many smiles as when I worked on this fresco ”, explains Joe Popi.

The inauguration of the street-art fresco on Wednesday evening allowed the inhabitants of the buildings of this district located close to the Henri-Fréville metro station to meet around a concert and a coffee. The atmosphere was smiling. “People only talk about the negative things that are going on here. While there is a lot of positive stuff going on. This fresco, it was made with love, I find it beautiful. We need actions like that to have a positive light on the neighborhood, ”Asma says.

Make people forget the traffic

The “negative” image evoked by the 15-year-old girl is that of drug trafficking. For several months now, the Copenhagen square has become one of Rennes’ high places for dealings. The residents all know it and do not deny it. But they would like to get out of it, show something else. “We have delinquency problems, and residents are suffering from it. But there is a great energy in this neighborhood. We see a lot of initiatives from people who want to appropriate public space, ”argues Xavier Desmots, elected district.

A collaborative fresco imagined by graffiti artist Joe Popi colors the parking lot of Copenhagen Square, in Rennes. – C. Allain / 20 Minutes

In recent months, a small group of young girls from the neighborhood have stood out for their actions. Accompanied by the MJC Maison de Suede, Asma, Norine and their friends succeeded in having their project of greening the square validated, within the framework of the participatory budget. “We often go to sit on a circle in the square. We would like to put more nature there, for mothers to come with their children. Few people get off, ”notes Norine. By knocking on doors to encourage residents to vote for their project, the teenagers managed to obtain 100,000 euros to green their square. They also succeeded in creating a bond, for example helping the oldest to use a computer to register their vote. “This neighborhood is like a family. We organize snacks, we talk to each other, we are united, ”says Asma.

A solidarity prize for the neighborhood’s teens

At his side, one of the facilitators of the MJC nods. And insist. “The girls were fed up with seeing their neighborhood being frowned upon. I am proud to see them move like that ”. Aiguillon Construction, social landlord who manages the building, confirms that residents’ initiatives are increasing recently. “Everything is not perfect but we see a lot of positive actions, football tournaments, petanque. There is a desire to change the image, ”continues Clémentine Jégou, coordinator at Aiguillon Construction.

A few weeks ago, the social landlord took several teenage girls from the neighborhood to Paris. Asma, Norine and their friends were surprised to receive the first prize for solidarity innovation trophies. “We cried, it was so beautiful,” slip the two friends. Last year, they and the “little ones” of the neighborhood made solidarity packages which they distributed to the inhabitants of the buildings. “This neighborhood, he deserves it. He deserves support, color. I hope elected officials hear it, ”slips artist Joe Popi. Maybe they will read it.

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