To denounce “climate criminals”, environmental activists plant trees at Le Bourget airport

A happening at Le Bourget airport (Seine-Saint-Denis) to warn against “climate criminals”. This Friday afternoon, around ten activists from Attac and Extinction Rebellion entered the tarmac to “plant trees” and denounce private jet users. The activists entered the business airport after opening a fence with a grinder.

They planted two fruit bushes on the tarmac and hijacked a sign in front of the airport gate, replacing the inscription “Protected military zone” with “Climate crimes zone”. Dressed in children’s masks and white overalls, the activists also scattered colored powder, placed bales of straw and unfurled banners proclaiming “Let’s not let the ultra-rich destroy the planet” and “No to private jets – Yes to fruit trees “.

A similar action at Le Bourget in September 2022

The operation, which lasted around twenty minutes, ended with an environmental activist calling the police, informing them of the operation. The latter arrived a few minutes later and destroyed the installations. The activists escaped from the airport before the arrival of law enforcement but were checked on their exit. Thirteen of them were arrested by the air transport police (GTA), indicates an airport source.

The objective of the action is to “show that this concrete space at Le Bourget airport could be used for better purposes, which would not be harmful to the planet and our health and would serve the common interest, contrary to the “climaticidal use of private jets by the ultra-rich”, indicate Attac and Extinction Rebellion in a joint press release.

In September 2022, activists from Attac and Extinction Rebellion had already blocked access to a terminal at Le Bourget airport for almost two hours. Eleven of them were sentenced by the Bobigny criminal court to fines ranging from 300 to 500 euros on September 14. They appealed the decision.

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