To be free, must we detach ourselves from our possessions?

“To own or not to own”, that is the question. From the Rolex to the Porsche Cayman, passing by the house in the Bahamas, for some “wealth” rhymes with “happiness”. What is certain is that with enough money, we are free to acquire what we want and to travel wherever we want. But don’t we end up alienated by the constant search for new material goods when we begin to become attached to them?

In another register, don’t we have a body, a spirit and a soul? And can we really get away from it? Do we not become freer precisely by acquiring new knowledge? In this episode of “Pop Philosophy”, it is therefore a question of material/immaterial goods, obsession and Buddhism.

Camille Tassel is helped this time by the cult film of David Fincher, fight club, and of jimi hendrix to help us see more clearly the concept of freedom. A video can be found at the top of this article.

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