To achieve the “zero AIDS objective” in 2030, Nice has a permanent office “unique in France”

In the center of Nice, at 8 avenue Baquis, consultations on Fridays are until 9 p.m. And we make sure that the offer of “prevention and sexual health” care is “respectful, inclusive and caring”. For three months, the Free Center for Information, Screening and Diagnosis (CeGIDD) has been hosting this weekly service, an “experimental pilot system” to help the Alpes-Maritimes reach their “Aiming for AIDS Zero”i.e. no more contamination, in 2030.

8 Baquis is housed in a free Center for Information, Screening and Diagnosis (CeGIDD) in the Alpes-Maritimes department – F. Binacchi / ANP / 20 Minutes

“For this to be reasonably possible, you have to deal with the populations most at risk of HIV, those who are also most often stigmatized. And who also often stay away from the health system. In particular because of discrimination and certain behaviors that still raise questions among the medical profession,” explains Erwann Le Hô, president of the LGBTQIA + Côte d’Azur center.

Inspired by a “London Clinic”

So to reach out even more to its audiences, to reassure them in their care, the structure has opened this “unique tool in France”, in partnership with the departmental council. It is aimed in particular at “LGBT in their diversity, transgender people, precarious people, the poor, sex workers, migrants, asylum seekers who have a greater risk of contracting the virus, especially when they combine two of these factors,” Erwann Le Hô continues.

An initiative for which “we were inspired by the London clinic at 56 Dean Street”, a “kind of community dispensary”, indicates the manager. At “8 Baquis”, patients who come for screenings for all STIs or for consultations are therefore “welcomed by members of associations and the caregivers are themselves LGBT or in any case extremely well trained in welcoming the public. that we are targeting”, he continues, again evoking “the discrimination that some may suffer. »

To “put them at ease”

“These stigmas are still very, very rare”, specifies dermatologist Adrien Sanchez, who volunteered to intervene within the permanence. “What is certain in any case is that patients will find it much easier to put themselves at ease, to open up and therefore to be better supported with carers who are themselves homosexual, for example”. Consultations in gynecology, proctology, addictology and also in psychology are also offered.

Since the opening of the “8 Baquis”, more than 150 people, including LGBT people but also a dozen migrants and refugees, mainly from sub-Saharan Africa, have been welcomed. “Some are followed and come back several times, especially for those who benefit from Prep, the pre-exposure treatment against HIV”, specifies Loïc Jourdan, the coordinator of the permanence.

A driving force in these experiments

After Paris, Nice and the Alpes-Maritimes were the second territory to commit, from 2017, to a “Aiming for AIDS Zero” in 2030. And the department is particularly driving force in initiatives aimed at curbing the HIV epidemic.

Launched in 2019, the “Au labo sans ordo” experiment, which allows you to benefit from free screenings without medical prescription and in any laboratory, must in particular be extended to the rest of France by the end of the year.

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