“Titrodromes” to speed up the issuance of identity cards and passports

A temporary response to bottlenecks in passport and identity card issuing services. A bit like the vaccinodromes during the health crisis, the city of Angers opened a “titrodrome” on Tuesday in the honor parking lot of the town hall. Objective: “reduce waiting times” in the face of an “influx of requests”. This unusual site has ten appointment counters, in addition to the eleven counters still in service within the town hall.

Fourteen people have also been recruited as reinforcements to investigate the cases. Additional means, accompanied by the terminals provided by the State, which should make it possible to “accelerate the pace” and to climb to 16,000 appointments honored.

Same device in other cities

The titrodrome is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., until October 15. THE free slots for appointments of the following fifteen days are put online at the start of each week. A similar system had already been implemented in June and July 2022. In addition to Angers, other French cities have opened a titrodome in recent days, such as Roubaix, Arras, Besançon or Chalon-sur-Saône.

In France, it currently takes about sixty days to obtain an appointment and a month and a half to receive a finalized identity document. Deadlines that vary, however, depending on the territory. The government, which is aware of the grumbling of citizens on this subject, announced several measures at the end of April to try to shorten the deadlines.

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