Title fights in Rome: Wellbrock leaves EM: training and federal instead of vacation

Title fights in Rome
Wellbrock leaves EM: training and federal instead of vacation

Florian Wellbrock will not start at the EM open water races in Rome. photo

© Andreas Gora/dpa

Florian Wellbrock leaves Rome after just one European Championship final. Among other things, a corona infection in July led to the decision. The top swimmer is challenged in an unfamiliar environment.

Slightly sniffy, but completely relaxed, Florian Wellbrock spoke on the sun terrace in the Foro Italico about the end of the European Championship.

“It’s really more important now to concentrate on the next season and lay a good foundation instead of risking anything in the open water now,” said the Olympic champion between the swimming stadium, tennis courts and diving board. The consequences of a corona infection in July, harsh weather conditions and a slight cold led Wellbrock to decide not to go medal hunting in the sea off Lido di Ostia.

“Now physical and mental health comes first,” emphasized the 24-year-old. Already this Thursday he travels back home from Rome.

Basic training instead of vacation

Wellbrock is not an option for top swimmers to put their feet up or relax on a trip. “I’m not even in vacation mode yet,” he said. “I have no problem with training a little more at home now.” At least in a stripped down version. He doesn’t really come to rest after that either. On September 1, Wellbrock starts basic training in the sports promotion group of the German Armed Forces.

The fact that the European Championships did not go as planned hardly bothers him, at least on the outside. Of course he would have liked to stand up to his two buddies Mychajlo Romanchuk (Ukraine) and Gregorio Paltrinieri (Italy) over 1500 meters freestyle in the fight for gold. After five medals in five starts at the World Championships in June, Wellbrock knows exactly what he can do when he’s in top form. He delivered at the high point of the season, so a medalless European Championship and fifth place on his parade route can be overcome.

Focus on the new season

Wellbrock is already looking to next season. “We have world championships coming up. It’s not far to the Olympics. I think you can cope if you end a European championship prematurely,” he said. His coach Bernd Berkhahn sees it the same way. “He did his thing at the World Cup. That was really great,” said the long-distance national coach. “Now he has to see that he gets back on his feet.”

The program up to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is tight. Corona-related postponements are still having an impact on the competition calendar. There are still two big world championships on the program before the Olympics. Wellbrock would also be interested in the short course world championships this December in Melbourne. “Australia has always been a dream of mine,” he said, smiling. He won’t be bored after the European Championship either.


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