Tips & Tricks: This helps against large pores

Refined complexion
Large pores: these tips will help you shrink them (long term).

Large pores can make the skin appear impure

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If the pores around the nose and cheeks are enlarged, the complexion appears uneven and those affected want a quick remedy. In fact, there are numerous ways to shrink pores. Read here which ones can help.

There are numerous pores on the face and that is a good thing. Skin pores are small openings that occur in countless numbers in human skin. The body can secrete sebum through the small channels and keep the top layer of skin, the horny layer, supple and protect it from external environmental influences. Pores are an essential part of the skin’s own metabolism and protective film. But, why are the pores large on one and small on the other?

In fact, genes and hormones determine the size of the pores. But oily or mature skin can also have enlarged pores. Oily skin, for example, tends to have larger pores because sebum, dander and dirt can accumulate more quickly in the exits of the sebaceous glands. The result: the pore clogs and widens. Once the pore is enlarged, it does not contract again on its own. However, regular cleansing and various other methods can help refine the complexion. Preventive measures should also help to avoid large pores before they develop.

What can I do about large pores?

Be patient with your skin because large pores don’t shrink overnight. Any product that makes this promise should be critically scrutinized. Rather, a good cleaning and care routine for the skin is worthwhile. You can find out what this could look like here.

Regular cleaning

The best basis for clear skin is thorough, daily facial cleansing. Free your skin from sebum and dirt in the morning and evening, for example with cleansing gel. It can also be helpful to use an electric one facial cleansing brush be.

proper care

Oily and impure skin tends to have enlarged pores, so the right care is crucial. Avoid too rich or oily textures, these can clog the skin. Light care products such as moisturizing fluids or gels, on the other hand, are more suitable, for example this light one Gel with UV protection.

Nourishing retinol serum

retinol serum contains a form of vitamin A and may have beneficial effects on skin formation. It promotes the formation of horny cells, which make up the top layer of the skin. The vitamin is also said to stimulate the production of collagen, which is needed in the lower layers of the skin to make the skin firm and flexible. Retinol serums can help refine the complexion and reduce large pores. You can read about how to use Retinol Serum properly in this article.

steam bath

Large pores become particularly visible when they are discolored by dark blackheads. Blackheads form in pores that become clogged with excess sebum production. Blackheads get their typical black color from the reaction of dead skin cells and oxygen. A steam bath helps to open up clogged pores so that dirt and sebum can be loosened. Boil about a liter of water, put it in a bowl and mix it in chamomile oil. Then pull a towel over your head and relax with your face over the water bath for ten minutes. After the steam bath, you can wash your face with a mild washing gel and wash in lukewarm water.


To shrink your pores, you can apply a scrub to your facial skin once or twice a week mild scrub treat. The gentle rubbing loosens skin flakes and stimulates blood circulation. Regular peelings can make the skin more even and fine-pored.

peel-off products

Peel-off masks clean the skin thoroughly by sticking them to the affected areas of the skin. There are different strips to pull off, which are particularly popular peel-off products for the nose, because enlarged pores often occur there.

Clarifying Masks

Masks with healing earth or clay clean the skin particularly thoroughly and are gentle on the skin. Thanks to the absorbent properties, the natural ingredients bind excess sebum and prevent the formation of blackheads and pimples.

Prevent large pores

  • UV protection: Large-pored skin can be the result of too much exposure to the sun, because long-term exposure to the sun damages elastin and collagen fibers. Without sunscreen, skin is exposed to harmful UV rays, which can lead to premature aging and skin cancer. That’s why you should apply a cream with a sun protection factor every day, whether in winter or summer. There are sun gels that feel like a light cream on the skin and do not weigh the skin down or clog the pores.
  • Hands off: Don’t touch blackheads or pimples yourself, they could damage or even enlarge the affected pore.
  • Professional cleaning: If you have skin problems, it is always advisable to see a dermatologist or skin specialist. There you can get advice on your skin type and choose a treatment. For example, you can have your skin cleansed down to the pores at regular appointments in the beauty salon. This reduces the risk of pimples, blackheads and enlarged pores.
  • Healthy lifestyle: It may seem obvious and common knowledge, but for many people, changing everyday habits is the hardest step towards healthy skin. But a healthy lifestyle is crucial for a clear complexion. Nicotine and alcohol consumption can affect pore size and contribute to impure skin.

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