Tips from the “Fittest German” Moritz Fiebig: This is how you learn discipline

Podcast “important today”
Tips from the “Fittest German”: This is how you learn discipline

Giving sport the same priority as other things in life is psychologically important in order to stick to your resolutions, according to Moritz Fiebig, the “fittest German” (symbol image)

© Westend61 / Imago Images

At the end of January, many people already threw their New Year’s resolutions overboard. Moritz Fiebig, officially the “fittest German”, gives tips on how to overcome your weaker self and still exercise regularly in November.

“If you have a cell phone, write an appointment in your calendar, just like an appointment with your manager. Then it is just as important to take yourself seriously and go to the gym,” advises Moritz Fiebig in the 450. Episode of the podcast “important today”. Fiebig was the “Fittest German” for the second time in 2022, winning and defending the title in a competition. He speaks from experience. Giving sport the same priority as other things in life is psychologically important to sticking to your resolutions.

There are different types of nutrition

Moritz Fiebig eats seven meals a day himself. But he also says that you shouldn’t take him as a role model. It’s better to eat what best suits your everyday life and fitness type: “Everyone has their own diet. Sometimes there’s a guy who works better on fat and doesn’t put on as much body fat. Some people do better with carbohydrates Of course, some need moderate amounts of protein. There is no such thing as good and bad, in our counseling there is always better and worse.” Conversely, it means that it is better to try things out than to do nothing at all. Over time, you have to develop a feeling for what your body needs at what time, and you can learn that. The fitness trainer and nutritionist is convinced of this.

Fitness check: Hormone balance is important

The topic of hormones is also particularly important for the fittest German Moritz Fiebig. Because most trainees neglect it or don’t even know about it. The hormone balance is a relevant factor: “Hormones beat calories! That means if something is wrong with your hormones, I would recommend that you have your hormones checked.” In addition to the hormonal balance, the calorie balance is also important, according to Fiebig: “If you take in more calories than you burn, then you will gain weight and if you take in less, then you will lose weight.” Sounds logical, but for many people who want to lose weight or do more sport in general, this change is not so easy in everyday life.


You rarely find good role models on Instagram

In addition to the physical factors, the social level is also important, especially which role models you look for. The social networks and above all Instagram present an ideal image. But these fitness influencers are not good role models, says Moritz Fiebig, although he is very active on Instagram himself. He advises against comparing yourself to people on Instagram. Because they show up with many filters and then also in beautiful scenery. Instead, he recommends: “You’d better have a look around here in my studio. Is there someone who looked similar to you before? How long does the person train, what classes does the person do and how does he or she eat?” The fitness couch also encourages you to approach people and ask them about their goals and how they are doing. This is how you come to your own, more realistic goals than Instagram conveys them.

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