Tips for the winter: feeding garden birds properly – Bavaria

If you want to enjoy a colorful rendezvous of native birds in the garden or on the balcony in winter, you should follow a few tips when setting up the feeding station. Above all, the regular cleaning of birdhouses is important so that no diseases can spread, said the State Association for Bird and Nature Conservation on Monday in Hilpoltstein.

Chemicals should not be used for regular cleaning. It is sufficient to brush out the bird feeder and then rinse it with hot water and dry it. However, smaller bird feeders or feeding columns, in which the feed can slide down without getting wet or contaminated, are more suitable, says expert Angelika Nelson.

“A feeding station with several feeders that are stocked with soft or fatty food and a grain mixture is interesting for many different winter birds.” At the same time, it is important to help grain eaters to meet their daily water needs. In addition to food, the garden habitat should also offer sufficient security for winter birds. For example, cats should not find any hiding places in the immediate vicinity of the feeding station.

“It’s just fun to watch the hustle and bustle at the bird feeder in front of the window. Children in particular are really enthusiastic when, in addition to the sparrow, blackbird and great tit, there are also rarer guests such as siskin or bullfinch,” emphasizes the biologist. Incidentally, young and old could also improve their knowledge of the different bird species.

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