Tips for preventing dementia – Heilpraxis

Alzheimer’s: How to reduce the risk of disease

the Alzheimer’s disease (“Alzheimer’s disease”) is the most common form of dementia and an incurable brain disorder. So far the disease is incurable. But that disease risk can lowered will. Experts explain how this is possible.

the Alzheimer-Sickness can affect anyone. So far, the most serious age-related disease of the brain is incurable. Experts report on preventive measures that can protect against the onset of the disease.

Grow old on your own

Growing old healthy and self-determined – who doesn’t want that? Even if Alzheimer’s is not yet curable, you can reduce your risk of developing the disease.

Studies show that people who exercise regularly, keep mentally fit, are sociable, eat healthily and pay attention to health risk factors are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s.

The Alzheimer Research Initiative eV (AFI) explains on their website What you can do.

Move enough

Helps prevent Alzheimer’s movement. This improves blood flow to the brain, strengthens the nerve cells and even allows new nerve cells to form. The brain is better protected and its performance is maintained for longer.

At least twenty minutes of activity a day would be ideal. Take every opportunity to keep yourself busy. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, leave the car and cycle or walk more often, take regular walks or work in the garden.

If you have physical complaints or other illnesses, then first discuss with your doctor which type of sport or gymnastics are suitable for you. Also, find out about exercises you can do at home.

Choose sports or activities that make you sweat easily but still keep you entertained, such as walking, swimming, dancing, or yoga.

mental fitness

who himself mentally fit and regularly exercises the brain has a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s or other dementia.

Making music, parlor games, learning a new language or reading – look for regular occupations and activities that you enjoy, improve your concentration and keep your gray cells busy.

The more you mentally challenge yourself, the more new synapses form, making your brain more efficient. When cells die due to age, other areas of the brain can take over their tasks.

Reduce the risk of disease with the right diet

It has been shown that people who eat healthily are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. a healthy one nutrition not only offers protection for the brain, it also has a positive influence on cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol and diabetes – all diseases that are suspected of promoting dementia.

The calories you need should come from your diet as whole-grain carbohydrates. The brain also needs protein and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

So-called antioxidants should also be on the menu, as they contain nutrients that protect nerve cells and fight off free radicals. Antioxidants are found in fruits, vegetables, green tea and olive oil, among other things.

A Mediterranean diet, which supplies the brain with important nutrients and strengthens its immune system, is often recommended. The AFI has summarized some tips for everyday life:

  • Vitamins from fruit and vegetables: enjoy them raw, for example as finger food
  • Polyphenols from olive oil, blueberries and red grape juice also offer cell protection
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are found in oily sea fish and in cold-pressed rapeseed, olive and linseed oil. Use it cold, such as in salads
  • Eat nuts in small amounts with their valuable protein building blocks, trace elements and fats
  • Coffee and green tea also protect with antioxidants
  • Drink at least two to three liters of water a day
  • Eat only a little red meat and prefer poultry

Social contacts

Loneliness in old age and depressive moods have an impact on both mental and physical health. Those who are alone a lot have twice the risk of Alzheimer’s than people with many people social contacts.

The AFI recommends keeping in touch with acquaintances and maintaining friendships. Make appointments with friends and like-minded people. Start joint activities with others.

You can also actively counteract being alone by making additional new contacts. Volunteering, for example, is a way of staying in touch and doing something worthwhile.

Avoid health risk factors

If you health risk factors avoid, you reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Talk to your doctor and have yourself checked regularly.

Pay particular attention to vascular diseases, but also to high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiac arrhythmias and elevated cholesterol levels. Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and obesity.

People with depression, lack of sleep and little education also have an increased risk of Alzheimer’s. Severe head injuries, such as repeated concussions, can also increase the risk, as can hearing loss in old age, although this can be compensated for with the right hearing aid.

Exposure to particulate matter is now also considered a risk factor.

However, there are also risk factors over which you have no control, such as gene mutations. And of course age. The older we get, the higher our risk of dementia.(ad)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the requirements of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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