Tips for grilling: These mistakes you should avoid (video)

Watch the video: For the environment and your own health – you should definitely avoid these grilling mistakes.

If you don’t use a gas or electric grill, you need charcoal. But be careful, because many of the products contain tropical wood.
Before the food can be put on the grill, the charcoal has to get really hot. Since many pollutants end up in the air, large amounts of smoke should be avoided. Tip: A chimney starter reduces the smoke and also makes the charcoal glow faster. To use the heat when lighting the charcoal, you can pre-cook potatoes or vegetables in a pot on the charcoal.
Not only under the grate, but also what lies on the grate is crucial. Instead of just grilling meat and sausages, it’s not just good for the taste if you also use vegetables such as corn on the cob, mushrooms or zucchini.
A few things should also be taken into account when eating. For example, if marinade or oil drips onto the charcoal, carcinogenic substances can form and attach themselves to meat and vegetables. Carcinogenic substances can also form if meat or fish are grilled for too long or too hot. It is therefore better to carefully cut off burnt spots on the food to be grilled.

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