Tips and tricks: how to get rid of dark circles

Home remedies & tips
Removing Dark Circles: How To Get Rid Of The Dark Shadows Under The Eyes

Dark circles show up as dark shadows under the eyes

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Dark circles under the eyes can have different causes. Read here how they arise and which tips and home remedies can help against annoying dark circles.

Dark circles appear when we are tired, stressed and exhausted. They are a visible sign that the body needs relaxation. But there are also people who have dark shadows under their eyes without stress or lack of sleep. Read here how you can remove dark circles and prevent them from developing.

What causes dark circles under the eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are noticeable through a dark shadow under the eyes. As a rule, the area under the eyes is slightly sunken or the skin color in this area has changed. The fine tissue below the eyes also tends to swell. Dark circles appear especially in the morning after getting up. This is because when you sleep, the lymph flow is restricted and fluid under the skin is removed more slowly. In this way, tissue fluid collects more and more under the eyes during the night. When the blood vessels under the delicate skin widen, they can appear darkly under the skin. You perceive this effect as dark circles. Some people are more prone to dark circles than others. The cause of this has not been medically clarified. The skin under the eyes is the thinnest skin on the entire body and is therefore very sensitive. Particularly with age, the skin becomes thinner and the blood vessels can show through more.

Illnesses can also favor dark circles under the eyes. These include diseases of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels or liver. Heart and blood diseases, for example, affect the oxygen content of the blood and tissue and so a lack of oxygen can also trigger dark circles. Inflammatory skin diseases with itching, on the other hand, favor pigment and color changes in the thin skin under the eyes. Frequent scratching can damage the skin and cause swelling. Bags under the eyes are often associated with dark circles and are caused by tissue weakness on the lower eyelid due to age and structure. In the process, fatty tissue penetrates and fills the soft skin pockets below the eyes. Good skin care and a healthy lifestyle can therefore be preventative.

Remove dark circles: five tips

There are different ways to remove dark circles and prevent their formation.

1. Healthy lifestyle

Nicotine, alcohol and UV radiation have a negative effect on the skin and can lead to premature skin aging. Therefore, exercise regularly, eat healthily and avoid nicotine, alcohol and UV radiation. If you wear a cream with sun protection on your skin every day, you will protect the skin particularly effectively. Sun gel has a pleasantly light texture and is ideal for daily use.

2. Soothing cooling

The cold can reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The easiest way to keep your eyes cool is to use a reusable one Cooling mask wear. This leaves your hands free and you can simply relax while lying down.

3. Proper facial care

The skin under the eyes is particularly sensitive and fine, which is why it needs the right care. A lipid-replenishing eye cream with sufficient moisture nourishes and protects the delicate skin on the eyes best. Lightly pat the eye cream into the skin with your middle finger without applying too much pressure.

4. Stimulating facial massage

During sleep, the tissue fluid is removed more slowly and the lymph flow is restricted. This can lead to swelling and dark circles under the eyes, especially in the morning. A facial massage can be an effective means and help the swelling to subside – a jade roller is ideal for a massage.

5. Cosmetics help in the short term

Dark circles cannot always be removed immediately. Some dark shadows are more persistent. If you need quick relief, you can put make-up on dark circles for a short time. A liquid concealer that covers the lower eye area and an opaque make-up can help. With the concealer, make sure that it is two shades lighter than the make-up used, because light areas of the skin are visually receding and appear less noticeable.

Remove dark circles: Men are also affected by dark shadows under the eyes

Remove dark circles: Men are also affected by dark shadows under the eyes

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Which home remedies help against dark circles?

Creams, concealers and the like help, but effective home remedies can complement skin care. The advantage: natural remedies are directly at hand and can be implemented immediately.

  1. Relaxation in everyday life: Take regular breaks. Stress has a negative impact on the body. For example, those who work long hours at the computer should relax their eyes again and again and look away from the monitor.
  2. Regular exercise: Get regular exercise and exercise. Movement stimulates blood circulation and ensures a better supply of oxygen and nutrients.
  3. Quark: Quark is a handy home remedy for cooling. Apply the quark to a cloth and place it on the eye area for about ten to 15 minutes.
  4. Cold water: Water is a home remedy that is readily available and easy to use. Soak a cloth in cold water and place it on your eyes.
  5. Sufficient sleep: Make sure that you don’t miss out on sleep. The tip sounds supposedly simple and is difficult to implement in a stressful everyday life.

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