Tip: This is how indoor plants survive dry heating air in winter

See in the video: Household tips: How to get your house plants safely through the winter.

Three simple household tips: this is how your houseplants survive the winter

Winter is approaching, that means: the heating season begins.

However, as the room temperature increases, so does the dryness in the room.

This increases the risk that indoor plants will wither.

Follow these tricks to get your plants through the winter.


Moisten the leaves

Every week or two, you should spray your plants with water.

The leaves absorb the water and prevent it from drying out.


Remove dust from the plants

Wipe the leaves with a cloth once a month.

Orchids are more robust than other plants, they can also take a water bath.


Do not use fertilizer

Plants need fewer nutrients in winter. Fertilize at this stage,

the plant grows, but the cell walls become soft and susceptible to pests.

Make sure, however, that it still gets enough light.

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