Tinder, Adopteunmec… Have you ever been scammed on a dating site? tell us

D-4 before Valentine’s Day. As much hated as it is adored, the Valentine’s Day awakens anxieties of loneliness in some single people. In search of a little comfort, for one night or for life, they go to dating sites. This is the case of Cecilie, a 29-year-old Norwegian girl, who met Simon Leviev in 2017 through the Tinder app.

For better and (especially) for worse, this handsome suitor, supposedly millionaire, is going to extort a huge sum of money from him in record time. His story, told in the Netflix documentary The Tinder Scammer, aroused the fears of the followers of these dating sites. And they are many ! In France, 30% of French men and women went through this virtual stage in 2021.

But how many of them came out with a thin wallet? Have you been the victim of a financial scam yourself? Your “match” stole something from your home or restaurant? You made him a transfer, remained without return? Did the app help you? Have you repeated the experience of dating sites after this ordeal? You can testify by filling out the form below. Your testimonials will be used to write an article. Thanks in advance.

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